
Below is a breakdown of our introductory membership fees. By becoming a member of the UK Town and Gown Association (UKTGA) you are joining an established and growing network of campus and community members from across the UK. As a member you will initially have access UKTGA newsletters, webinars, conferences, and a communal emailing platform, JISCMail, and within the first year of your membership you also receive a 12 month complimentary membership of the International Town & Gown Association (ITGA) which brings with it even further benefits of access to a large organisation. 

With our shift to being a fee-paying organisation the UKTGA will be in a strong position to develop its offerings over the next 3 years to include; regional groups, in-house training, special interest groups / round tables, an improved dynamic website, in-house consultancy, in-house research, awards programme and more.  

All fees are paid annually, with membership starting from 1 August. By your organisation joining the UKTGA, unlimited employees can join under a single membership. 

Register now

Joint Town and Gown Membership

Membership available for a combination of a University / HEI with Public Authorities
  • Band 1: £200 - Universities / HEI with under 5,000 students, Town / City Population less than 25,000
  • Band 2: £250 - Universities / HEI with 5,000-20,000 students, Town / City Population 25,000-100,000
  • Band 3: £300 - Universities / HEI with over 20,000 students

University / HEI Membership

Membership available to individual institutions
  • Band 1: £150 - Universities / HEI with under 5,000 students
  • Band 2: £200 - Universities / HEI with 5,000-20,000 students
  • Band 3: £250 - Universities / HEI with over 20,000 students

Public Authority Membership

eg Local Authority, fire services, police services, public health services
  • Band 1: £150 - Town / City Population less than 25,000
  • Band 2: £200 - Town / City Population of 25,000-100,000
  • Band 3: £250 - Town / City Population over 100,000

Corporate Membership

Membership available to businesses or corporations involved in services related to campuses and their communities

Student Membership

Membership available to officers working at a Students' Union

Individual Category Membership

Individual membership category is designed for individual persons rather than groups or businesses